Export guest user information

Use the Export tab in guest user details to export guest user information in CSV format. You may need to do this if a guest user has a technical issue and you need to pass information to MyAirangel Support.

To export guest user information, follow the steps below:

1.  Either:

a)  Select Online Now from the left hand menu.

b)  Click in your selected guest user.

a)  Select Guests from the left hand menu and select Manage Subscribers.

b)  Click in your selected device.

a)  Select Guests from the left hand menu and select Registered Guests.

b)  Click in your selected guest user.

Guest user details are displayed.

2.  Select the Export tab.

3.  Follow the links to download in your preferred export:

Export Guest Attributes as CSV.

Export Radacct Entries as CSV.


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