View, edit or contact existing MyAirangel users

Use the Admin Users screen to view a list of all MyAirangel users. Both active and inactive users are listed in the Admin Users screen.

Choose to:

Edit a MyAirangel user. Change the password, status or role assigned to a user.

Change the active status of a MyAirangel user. Disable or enable users as required. Use the disable function as an alternative to deleting a user.

Contact a MyAirangel user. Email a user directly from MyAirangel.

Edit a MyAirangel user

Choose to edit the password, status or role assigned to a MyAirangel user. This is useful for keeping records up to date.

To edit a MyAirangel user, follow the steps below:

1.  Click on your Username in the header bar and select Admin users:

The Admin Users screen is displayed. All users are displayed in the Admin Users screen.

2.  Use the navigation tools to locate the user record that you want to edit.

3.  Click in your selected user record to display the Edit administrator screen.

4.  Edit the fields as required:

Change the user's Password. Passwords must be at least six characters in length.

Change the Status of the user. Only active users can use MyAirangel.

Change the user's Role. The permission levels for each Role are preset.

5.  Click Update to save the amended details. The amended user details are now listed in the Admin Users screen.

Change the active status of a MyAirangel user

Disable or enable MyAirangel users as required. Use the disable function as an alternative to deleting a user.

Only active users can use MyAirangel.

To change the active status of a user, follow the steps below:

1.  Click on your Username in the header bar and select Admin users:

The Admin Users screen is displayed. All users are displayed in the Admin Users screen.

2.  Use the navigation tools to locate the user record that you want to work with.

3.  In your selected user record either:

Click to disable an active user. Disabled users have no access to MyAirangel.


Click to enable an inactive user. Enabled users have access to MyAirangel.

Changes are saved automatically.

Contact a MyAirangel user

Email a MyAirangel user directly from MyAirangel. This is a useful shortcut. This functions only works if you use email addresses as Usernames.

To email a user, follow the steps below:

1.  Click on your Username in the header bar and select Admin users:

The Admin Users screen is displayed. All users are displayed in the Admin Users screen.

2.  Use the navigation tools to locate the user record that you want to work with.

3.  Click on the Username for your selected user. A new email opens in a separate window, the recipient field is populated with the Username.


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