Reset a guest user password
Use the Summary tab in guest user details to reset a guest user password if you need to. This is not available if the guest user has logged into your WiFi portal via social media.
To reset a guest user password, follow the steps below:
1. Either:
a) Select Online Now from the left hand menu.
b) Click in your selected guest user.
a) Select
Guests from the left hand menu and select Manage Subscribers.
b) Click in your selected device.
a) Select
Guests from the left hand menu and select Registered Guests.
b) Click in your selected guest user.
Guest user details are displayed.
2. Select the Summary tab.
3. Click Send Password Reset Email. The default email template is used, follow the on screen link if you want to review or amend this. See Using the Email editor for help on editing templates.
You are prompted when the reset password email has been sent.
The guest user must follow the link they are send to reset their password.