About this help centre

Use MyAirangel to provide secure, safe and compliant WiFi access. The features detailed in the help centre explain how to:

Get started with MyAirangel.

Set up and manage MyAirangel user accounts.

See an overview of your MyAirangel estate; network health and statistics. See Understanding the MyAirangel Dashboard.

View your MyAirangel estate in details. See Understanding My Estate.

View guest users who have access to your MyAirangel portal. See Understanding the Online Active Users screen.

View detailed guest user account information.

Set up the configuration of MyAirangel to suit you. Register guest users and set up the WiFi portal. Create packages and vouchers. See Understanding the Create menu.

Change the features within MyAirangel. Edit the portal and set up device whitelists. See Understanding the Manage menu.

Generate reports using data held within MyAirangel.

View and manage guest user information. Each option available lists guest users differently; accessed by PMS, currently logged into your WiFi portal, currently have access to your WiFi portal, registered to use your WiFi portal. See Understanding the Guests menu.

Symbols used in this help centre

The following symbols are used in this help centre to draw your attention to particular information:

Notes provide helpful information that requires your attention. Notes provide helpful information that requires your attention.

Hints are handy tips that may provide a useful alternative or save you time carrying out a task.

Cautions indicate that proceeding with an action may cause significant problems or be dangerous, or result in lost or damaged items or data.


Table of Contents



